Egyptology and The Gold in the Grave

We will learn all about Ancient Egypt and study the Egyptians through all subjects this half term. In History we will look at how the Egyptian civilisation thrived as the River Nile provided a way of life for the pharaoh and his people. In Art we will look at 3D sculpture and children will have their very own opportunity to make a ‘Scarab Beetle Amulet’ using the medium of clay.

Quality Text: Egyptology

We study ‘Egyptology’ as our quality text. Children are exposed to the story of amateur Egyptologist, Emily Sands, and will write their own mystery narrative as they venture through the tomb of a pharaoh to find hidden treasure. How will they duck and dive through the booby-traps that lay hidden?


Poetry: Descriptive

Narrative: Hybrid Mystery (Setting & Atmosphere)

Non-fiction: Recount (Diary)

Art & Design:
3D Sculpture (Clay Egyptian Artefacts)

Religious Education:
What do I think about Jesus and how is he portrayed in art from around the world? Why is the cross important for Christians?

Number (Fractions) & Measurement (Mass & Capacity)

The Dragon Song Rock/Glock Tuition



Ancient Egyptian Empire


Essential Skills:
Creativity & Speaking

Physical Education:
Netball & Football

French playgroumd games

No Outsiders:
The Hueys in the New Jumper

Enrichment Opportunities:
Day Visit to Manchester Museum, Residential Visit to Standon Bowers, Fairtrade Fortnight, Reading Week, World Book Day & International Poetry Day, Science Week & Earth Day